1992年5月22日「香港廣告牌制作協會」(Sign Association of Hong Kong) 正式宣告成立。而就職典禮於1992年9月25日舉行。
Background of Association
On April of 1991, 18 companies join a conference and decided to set up a sign
association for collaboration with industry. The 18 companies become the Foundation Members of the Sign Association of Hong Kong. And all Foundation Members also agreed to donate for setting up of the Association .
On 22nd May 1992, an official announcement about the foundation of Sign Association of Hong Kong. An Inauguration Ceremony of Sign Association of Hong Kong was launched in 25th September 1992.
將有關行業內人仕有效地組織起來,互相聯絡及交流意見; 共同切磋以提昇廣告牌制作技術水準,以求達到國際標準; 為新入行之員工提供技術性及安全性之培訓課程; 為關于行內本身之利益而與有關方面及政府部門作商討; 印制關於廣告牌制作之刋物; 舉辨技術性之研討會; 與外國有關協會聯系及溝通等。
Objectives of Association
To bring together people with a common interest in signage converting & serve a forum for discussion & exchange of ideas on matters relating to signage converting development; In collaboration with other similarly motivated organization & companies, to promote the advancement of science & technology of signage converting in HK with a view to fostering international standard; To assist in the education & training of newcomers/beginners in related fields; To negotiate with government about the common interest of the industry To print & publish any periodicals, journals or leaflets that the Association may think desirable for the promotion of its objectives; To conduct advancement of science & technology of signage Seminars; To liaise & coordinate with practitioners elsewhere in the world achieving the information sharing